With Love & Encouragement,
Georgia Norton Lodge
(Creative Director)

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Dear Neha,

From the moment you burst open the door as a smiley, flustered young intern, after turning up at the wrong office for your interview, I knew Soft Launch had to have you in our lives. You are bold, hilarious and are the voice of the next generation of designers.

You took to working with us like a duck to water. Your ability to pick up new skillsets and juggle multiple tasks (like, 153 menus at a time) is truly remarkable. Not everyone can do what you do, you should be very proud.


Neha is our Junior Graphic Designer. Her main clients are Catering HQ and Castle Hill RSL Group. She is responsible for the roll-out of annual social campaigns for the majority of our clients. Her roles and responsibilities include: design and layout of menus, social media and collateral design, creating brand packages and client liaison.

Dear Francisca,

You are incredible. Your designs are so detailed and stunning, you can tell you’ve spent years mastering your craft. It’s no wonder that clients email me asking specifically for you to work on their projects – every studio should have a Fran, so I’m glad we’re the one that got you! When you came on board, I knew I could comfortably step in to a management role to help grow our business, knowing that designs would not only be looked after but exceed both my own and our clients’ expectations.

So Fran, thank you for choosing us.


Francisca is our most experienced Graphic Designer. Her main clients are Catering HQ, Flour & Stone & Pepe Saya. She is responsible for managing her clients, looking over the work of our junior staff and for leading branding projects. Her roles and responsibilities include: leading brand projects, packaging design, collateral creation, client liaison and directing other team members.

Dear Isabella,

Where do I even start with you. You’ve been by my side since the days in Mum’s front room, you are my right hand woman, you are Soft Launch. Watching you grow into the website design / development beast that you are has been an absolute pleasure. You are so grounded and a truely calming presence, which is something that my chaotic energy desperately needs.

I never have to ask you to do anything, it’s like you just know. All our interns look up to you and so do I. You’re more than an amazing designer: you understand the ins-and-outs of how this weird two-sided business of ours should run, you know how to help not just less experienced designers, but the more experienced ones too - and you just get the job done.

Thank you for creating this with me Izzy.


Isabella is our original designer. She started as an intern and is now our mid-weight designer and the team lead in terms of digital / web. Her main clients are Alfresco Emporium & The Fresh Collective. Her roles and responsibilities include: design and development of the majority of web projects, directing interns and other junior staff, leading branding projects, collateral creation, client liaison and social media management for both clients and Georgia Draws A House.